Friday, March 29, 2019

The gamergate era "gamers are over" message we were receiving back then was a poorly disguised assault on us whites.  It was a part of the enemy's Jeiwish narrative to disassemble our culture.  To ensure the destruction of our communities.  To take away any ability for us to associate, clique up, and have any of our own identities.  Anywhere these Jews sense a loyalty or bond growing between whites,  they will strike!  They will attack us out of envy, sometime out of greed.  But their sole initiative is to spite us.  That really is all they're good for. 

The name of the game has always been disabling white spaces. 

Now they must go after my White identity. 

Here's my call; there were no white supremist recruiters on Fortnite on voice chat telling whites to join. Even though that would be shway.  No, what happened was more delightful violence was brought by our patron Saint Bretton Tarrant. He ushered in oblivion upon our enemy with righteous judgement, and the Jews, like rats, ran up to grief us.  Pests.  Instead of the 90's blase' attitude of 'game's cause violence', the message they are infecting us with is 'white nationalism in video games causes violence', which is just egregious.  Silly Jews.

The truth of the matter is there were no white supremist recruiters on fortnite.  There were no men, with hats and badges, from affiliated organizations talking to children about joining the cause.  There were no men actively recruiting to stop white genocide, or to find young minds for the identity movement, or advertising The Northwest Frontier.  What was actually happening is the younger of ours are aware, and are discussing it with their friends.  This is happening a lot,  with our goys from every school in America. 

This has always been about destroying us whites. Even back in the 90's when they blamed violence on video games.  When it's a Jew, their motive is never 'public savety', their motive is always to destroy us.  That's the big shtoop.  Everything they do is aimed at destroying us. 

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