Sunday, March 10, 2019

Swedish Protection of Bus Exploding Muslims

A bus exploded today near Malmo in sweden.  And the very scared police and media are refusing to say it was a Muslim.  Makes you sick to your stomach. Makes you fear for the future.  Makes you feel like that could be the upcoming reality for you.  In my area in just the last three years the Muslims started appearing. With movie style explosions going off like something out of a flat earth conspiracy, you just something is missong.  Information  is missing, sure, like how a huge pyrotechnics show went off in Sweden and "no one meant us any harm". It's insanity.  And deep down everyone knows what happened.  A Muslim blew up that bus.  No matter what the media says, the white man in Sweden knows the brown guy at the bus station blew up that bus up.

Here's what happened.  A Muslim in robes walked through the bus station with explosives smuggled in his robes. He bought his ticket standing out like a sore thumb.  The police refused to acknowledge the reality that this Muslim is dangerous,  like every other day.  Then after this Muslim brushed the police off, he got on the bus.  He had nothing to fear because his kind are specially protected.  He taped the bomb to the area closest to the gas tank, like anyone would.  Then he walked away and went home to conspire with more of his robed, bearded, brown cohorts. 

So now there is a Muslim sitting in a shop, celebrating his success, looking at this gif like a trophy.  He's dancing instead of being tied up and dragged through the streets on the back of a pick up!  But more of the same media manipulations going on.  Those people wrapped in the blue and yellow flag, hiding in their high perch behind their cameras.  They wills tell everyone it was a traffic accident! No collision, no bump, just a pyrotechnic masterpiece out of nowhere!   This is not an accident folks!  This is more explosive robes  protected by big brother!  KABoom!

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