Friday, March 29, 2019

The gamergate era "gamers are over" message we were receiving back then was a poorly disguised assault on us whites.  It was a part of the enemy's Jeiwish narrative to disassemble our culture.  To ensure the destruction of our communities.  To take away any ability for us to associate, clique up, and have any of our own identities.  Anywhere these Jews sense a loyalty or bond growing between whites,  they will strike!  They will attack us out of envy, sometime out of greed.  But their sole initiative is to spite us.  That really is all they're good for. 

The name of the game has always been disabling white spaces. 

Now they must go after my White identity. 

Here's my call; there were no white supremist recruiters on Fortnite on voice chat telling whites to join. Even though that would be shway.  No, what happened was more delightful violence was brought by our patron Saint Bretton Tarrant. He ushered in oblivion upon our enemy with righteous judgement, and the Jews, like rats, ran up to grief us.  Pests.  Instead of the 90's blase' attitude of 'game's cause violence', the message they are infecting us with is 'white nationalism in video games causes violence', which is just egregious.  Silly Jews.

The truth of the matter is there were no white supremist recruiters on fortnite.  There were no men, with hats and badges, from affiliated organizations talking to children about joining the cause.  There were no men actively recruiting to stop white genocide, or to find young minds for the identity movement, or advertising The Northwest Frontier.  What was actually happening is the younger of ours are aware, and are discussing it with their friends.  This is happening a lot,  with our goys from every school in America. 

This has always been about destroying us whites. Even back in the 90's when they blamed violence on video games.  When it's a Jew, their motive is never 'public savety', their motive is always to destroy us.  That's the big shtoop.  Everything they do is aimed at destroying us. 

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Ensuring devastation!

I am on a new track in the world.  Looking at Bretton Tarrant, Mr. New Zealand's video game meme-athon, I have been insprired!  I have decided to pick up a new hobby in my off time.  I'm having a very shway time.  We are shrouded in darkness, wearing masks, taking the cover of night, and doing real, psychological , physical, and monetary harm to my enemies.  I've invented a few very easy, cheap, and effective ways of terrorizing my enemies.  Doing real damage to their heads, and having a shway time doing it.  It's basic.  Here's my starter pack.

A few basic items are what you'll need to have an effect on your local area.  Some nails, a knife, bigger the better, and a pack of eggs.  Here's a basic day.  Kiss you're family goodbye for the day, and buy some eggs, and go crazy, peg some non-whites, nail 'em right in the face, do a drive-by!  Pegging a schtoop in the face is the most satisfying feeling on earth.  I prefer collecting the muslim women and children, very satisfying. :)

That's daytime fun, like with the kids, sends a message, fills'em with dread!  Then at night, may I add, the real fun begins. The knife has a simple purpose: popping the enemies tires!  So easy, so shway!  It's the best! Hunting the night for the car of a muslim, or a jew, and quickly popping the air from the side of the tires is like watching the enemies wallet empty dry, or watching them cry.  Shway!

This is my new hobby, for the war effort.  I'm also going to be testing out laying secret nails tacked right at the lip of an enemy's tire as I get out of the car in the parking lot.  Seems easy, just find a target, watch the enemy get out their car, gently brisk by, drop your keys, or some such, pretend to tie your shoe, and plant the bomb. Good day. Very shway of us.

But more on this massive plan for deadly, world changing, difference making, damage dealing starter pack later.  It's just a starter pack anyways, yet it adds up. It's super effective!
Thank you and I'll talk to you soon!

Thursday, March 14, 2019

A Yellow Infection

First of all we are following an asian! Let's just count ourselves out!  Let's betray our only virtue! We are making ourselves look defeatist! By following an Asian our only draw falls away.  This to me calls towards the Asian pornography in the white supremacist community.  A big raised eyebrow! Why are we being called to fawn over Asians, even ironically?  This is nothing but an extension of the exact same tactic to demoralize the white nationalists community!  Whoever first bought into Mr.Yang first in our community needs to understand this.  You basically need to look inside yourself and get that you are embarrassing everyone with a heart for our future.  I believe it was Mike Enoch.  That putsch.

Yellow skinned anime hentai has been infecting our community in a really egregious way since TRS.  The Ovenmen were the primary offenders there. And on /pol/ everyone knew the Asian posters were paid JIDF or Feds.  They still are. We are always being subverted as a community.  We are strong and have been growing, but we need to remain white.  We are nothing without being white.  This is really basic stuff guys.  Like, come on!

Long and short of it is.  If we don't remain stalwart as a white racial clique, we are done.  Even so called "ironically" following an asian, either to bust your nut or to get a thousand bucks, think about it, you are a puppet plaything of another race, a schtoop.

If you are a white goy, keep Asians away and don't pawn your people's trust away to the virtue of an Asian.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Swedish Protection of Bus Exploding Muslims

A bus exploded today near Malmo in sweden.  And the very scared police and media are refusing to say it was a Muslim.  Makes you sick to your stomach. Makes you fear for the future.  Makes you feel like that could be the upcoming reality for you.  In my area in just the last three years the Muslims started appearing. With movie style explosions going off like something out of a flat earth conspiracy, you just something is missong.  Information  is missing, sure, like how a huge pyrotechnics show went off in Sweden and "no one meant us any harm". It's insanity.  And deep down everyone knows what happened.  A Muslim blew up that bus.  No matter what the media says, the white man in Sweden knows the brown guy at the bus station blew up that bus up.

Here's what happened.  A Muslim in robes walked through the bus station with explosives smuggled in his robes. He bought his ticket standing out like a sore thumb.  The police refused to acknowledge the reality that this Muslim is dangerous,  like every other day.  Then after this Muslim brushed the police off, he got on the bus.  He had nothing to fear because his kind are specially protected.  He taped the bomb to the area closest to the gas tank, like anyone would.  Then he walked away and went home to conspire with more of his robed, bearded, brown cohorts. 

So now there is a Muslim sitting in a shop, celebrating his success, looking at this gif like a trophy.  He's dancing instead of being tied up and dragged through the streets on the back of a pick up!  But more of the same media manipulations going on.  Those people wrapped in the blue and yellow flag, hiding in their high perch behind their cameras.  They wills tell everyone it was a traffic accident! No collision, no bump, just a pyrotechnic masterpiece out of nowhere!   This is not an accident folks!  This is more explosive robes  protected by big brother!  KABoom!

Saturday, November 3, 2018

The Rocks and Rifles

Here is a link to a perfectly formula piece by the NYT.

This all comes out to a formula easily found in any article found in the mainstream media.  Very common. The first step is easy and done by literally everyone: make fun of Trimp to grab attention.  Nothing gets the reader hot and bothered quite like taking a shot at Trimp. For the next 6 some odd year's that's the money maker.  Easy Street. I see why, he asks for it every day.  He begs to get cajoled. "It is pure ignorance for him to think like that" says Honduran Marta Cuellos. All while claiming the incoming number is way smaller than it is. "Rocks are not Rifles." This is a beautiful flip from step 1 to step 2.  Trimp says "Rocks are rifles" then the media says "no! That's pure ignorance for him to think like that." This is down playing the size and violence of the hordes.  Which is what happens all the while the marching continues.  For one the horde does carry weapons, for another, violence by the horde is violence: is a rock really any worse?

 After saying "This doesn't hurt" they go on to cry out for Mercy on their behalf. They use the most outright language in this one, there's no claim of violence beyond "police harrassment" which to my ear means they live in a "shit country" and just to be Ozymandias from Watchmen I'll ask "what does it matter? What do I care if their country is awful?" Then the article goes on to say that these people just want a better life, which is what anyone may want.  I guess the big question is how the journalist justifies their value in entering the country at all.  They must believe this makes God and his angels happy. Which come on.

And then get this: the author says a woman made an "attempt" at being in our home, which means her stay was only SIX YEARS! That is forever. That's a success for this invader. And then the second she's sent home she joins a horde to march back. That's not disrespect that's practically war. A thief in the window.  A bitchslap.

Then just so we know exactly where this person's agenda is the author repeats the same steps.  Call Trump stupid. Down play the size and scope of the invasion.  Deny the horde's violence. Defend their violent actions.  "We don't want to hurt the police, because my concern is my son." But oh boy will they ever hurt the police!  I think we can agree they are plenty capable. And then comes the really good part.  The false promises of our age.

"We just want to work for a few years, and after that he can deport us if he wants" What a lie!  This is the big one! Sound the alarm!  That Honduran creature was willing to slake back to our home immediately after a 6 year stay. So they want us to swallow this pill: that thousands of high marching invaders who violently broke in to our home won't be willing to fight a bloody battle to stay here.  Thousands of reproducing hordes cliquing and humping and producing seed won't feel a little attached to this new shit pot we call home. We have to do something. There is one little woman, dressed innocently from Honduras, came back here after a warm 72 months. Whats the worst that can go on? What do you think is going to happen?

We could think of them as equals, in the future.  "He should think of us as equals. Immigrants have built that country" The whitest damn immigrants you ever saw is what we wer If  we let this continue, 4 thousand at a time, how they want, we are going to be extinguished. That is what is on the line.  We European descendants built this country, and that's fact.  What right do they have to lay claimance on our home? None. These jungle coons are going to end anything good we had in this country.  Soon your kids will be the ones being" harrassed by police" who "can't pay the rent" and wants to leave the homeland. You will be the nigger. Because the horde is marching and wants to molt and stew our country into a shit pot. "Just like home", he'll say. Bugs.

Then the author is bold enough to cover up for a family who is opting for a rat-hole or a coyote- run instead of the legal routes.  "Donald Trump has made things very complicated at the border, and better that we stay in Tijuana than fight with him." It's pitch perfect isnt it?  Ride all the way up to the border to disappear into America the second the legality is questioned.  And they'll get away with it too, Donald Trump is a schtoop.  He'll let them right through as he has continued to do. That family is the smart one.  Perhaps the rest of the jungle-monkey horde will reach a boil and turn violent.  Then we'll see if our border means a single solitary thing.  Oh and the final magic line? "Even stones can soften" .   Sort of brings up military soldiers throwing Nerf brand rocks.  "They mean no harm, they can't hurt you!" Now be quiet, kid!

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Synogogue shooting

Deaths.  White kills at least 11 Jews at a synogogue and comes out to surrender to police.  The attack went down at Tree of Life Synogogue in Squirrel Hill.  This is where the man opened fire on Tree of Life.  Not long ago Donald Trimp posted this on his Twitter feed.

And then the prince of darkness here shows up on on a leash to defend his masters. He says that this was an act of pure evil. This was a shooting done by motives related to Nationalists. This is the part where the scary Jew tells you to panic. They can get schtooped.  I have to remember who I am, a White.  This time it was one man that took down 11.  He was semi involved with us.  This is the problem! Some might say. He killed them and it delegitimizes and ruins your outcome! Not really, in my experience these killings leave whites with a secret glee. So don't panic. This happens when we get surrounded.

After a mourning and mobbing speech Trimp wails and moans about the state of the country and how unimaginable it was.  “we never learn from the past”.  All I heard was a bunch of Jews wailing and congratulating Trimp. He fights for them like they tell him to.  I have to remember who I am. We are who we are, and he is one man.  So don’t worry about the pressure cooker going off just yet. Is Trimp going to save us? No. Can you really see the man getting away from all the Jews and Schtoops so he can do what we want? Something tells me he will let us down.  He is not our last hope.

By Yggdrasil! He just said we must unite to conquer whites! Trimp is  clever, but still hitting his own kind. He favors the clique and their money.  Our memes are shway. And so was the war. But the God Emporer isn’t exactly who you think he is.  He hits us and then gets us to say thank you! But 3d chess! That’s what we're playing! He has been ignoring us and calling us hate!  Very Schtooped.